I’m a born and raised Virginia boy whose father built a gas station empire from absolutely nothing. Seriously, my father was literally dirt (floor) poor and showed me what single-minded focus and a must-do attitude can create.
Using that same focus and intensity, I dedicated my life to coaching using The Enlifted Method - a mindset framework that I pioneered over the past sixteen years.
Five continents, four thousand clients, ten thousand coaching hours, a TEDx Talk, four hundred podcast appearances, and nearly five hundred personally certified Enlifted coaches later - I’m moving closer and closer to my goal of becoming the very best mindset coach in the world.
As a former teacher and athlete, I quickly realized that our limitations in life all stemmed from the stories we told ourselves about ourselves and, more specifically, the words we use to tell those stories.
I’ve worked with so many people who’ve wanted to get over a bad relationship, find a great relationship, heal childhood trauma, become a better parent, be at the top of their game… you name it.
And the one thing they had in common was a shitty story about themselves that was stuck deep and that haunted them for their entire lives. Why was that story still there? Why hadn’t they dealt with it before?
Your Big, Complicated Problem Don’t
need Big,Complicated Solutions.”
So many people think that their big, complicated problems need big, complicated solutions. I’m a simple guy from Virginia. I used to cage fight and teach elementary school physical education. If complicated solutions were the answer, then I was screwed.
This was my motivation for developing the Enlifted Method. Look at the words we’re saying to ourselves about ourselves. Then look at the stories they create in our lives. And look at the way we’re breathing as we tell ourselves these stories. Words, stories, breath. Simple.
Notice I didn’t say “easy”.
This work is deep and it can be challenging to get to the core of what’s holding us back. AND, like Mark Manson says, “depth is where the gold is buried.”
I invite you to join me on this mission to build the very best version of yourself that you can. To simply and boldly go in the direction you know awaits you.
Let’s do This.
Five continents, four thousand clients, ten thousand coaching hours, a TEDx Talk, four hundred podcast appearances, and nearly five hundred personally certified Enlifted coaches later...
And I’m just
getting started.
My goal is to work with the best coaches, entrepreneurs, and content creators in the world.
No nonsense, high-performing individuals who know the difference between fads and foundation shifting work. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the very best mentors in health, fitness, firearms training, and podcasting.

Learning from the best, surrounding myself with the best is yet another simple, repeatable tool that helps me get the very best out of my students.
Enough about me,
Let’s talk about YOU.
I'm here to teach you. It’s something I’ve always loved to do - from my days in the Fight Center in Richmond, VA to my time teaching International School PE in Bangkok.
It turns out that teaching elite mindset tools is no different than teaching nine year old kids how to throw rear Thai kicks.
It’s about simplicity. It’s about clarity. It’s about repetition.
When you practice a proven method CONSISTENTLY with those three things in mind you WILL become elite at it.
Through Enlifted’s free training, podcasts, online and in-person workshops, and our world-class Certification program — you WILL learn how to quickly and consistently upgrade your mindset.

“Enlifted Mindset IS NOT One-Size-Fits-All, it’s a THINK FOR YOURSELF system to transform YOUR thoughts into BETTER VERSIONS of YOUR THOUGHTS.”
Whether you’re starting out as a coach or entrepreneur. Whether you’re a leader in your business or community. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a total amateur, the Enlifted Method will give you an unbelievable advantage in building whatever it is you dream of.
One more thing: if you’re out there looking for some guru or hero to worship, please look elsewhere. Like I said, I’m a simple guy from a simple place with a simple, exceptionally effective framework.
“I KNOW what my purpose is: To unlock people’s potential by going on a full-scale attack of the Victim Mentality and the stories that fuel it.”
Let’s Do This.
Enough talk. Let’s get started upgrading your mindset today with some VERY simple, VERY powerful tools that you can put into practice right away.
Sign up below to get started.
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On Your Show
As you can tell, I LOVE talking about this mindset stuff.Â
If you’re a podcaster, YouTuber, or content creator who would like to book me on your show, fill out the form below and the Enlifted team will get back to you to set something up.
By entering your info, you’ll become an Enlifted Insider – get free access to exclusive invitations, workshops, private Q+As, and new episodes of Get Enlifted Podcast, delivered to your inbox. (Unsubscribe anytime in a click.) You also agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.